James Hunter

Friday, August 2, 2013

A new ALJ has been assigned to SJWC Rate Increase

Apparently another ALJ has been assigned to the San Jose Water Company General Rate Case A1201003, also known as the 44% rate increase.

Notice that ALJ: Gary Weatherford (Assigned Mar 1, 2013) was assigned to the case on March 1 and this just appeared on the website a few days ago. Today is August 2, so March, April, May, June and at least 1/2 of July, it took CPUC over 120 days to apparently announce the judges appointment to the case. 

Back to those "darn" CPUC Values on the website:

Values (Click to visit CPUC website Page)

  • Participation
  • We provide an open, fair, timely, and inclusive process.  
  • Communication
  • We provide accurate, timely information and consumer education.

The details on the Judge's background are available on the Water Education Foundation website.

Secretary - Gary Weatherford, California Public Utilities Commission 

Gary Weatherford is an administrative law judge at the CPUC in San Francisco, California. Formerly he was a partner with the law firm of Weatherford & Taaffe LLP in San Francisco, California. He specializes in water resources law and has extensive experience in western water law and policy. He has been Director of the John Muir Institute, Deputy Secretary for Resources for the state of California, and a Special Assistant both to the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, and to the U. S. Attorney General. Mr. Weatherford has taught water and natural resources law at the University of Oregon, UCLA, and the University of Santa Clara. He has served on the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Research Council, the Advisory Committee of the Water Resources Research Center and the board of the Water Resources Archives at the University of California. He is on the advisory board of the congressionally-funded Utton Transboundary Resources Center. Published works include Decree Enforcement Comes to the Law of the River, Rocky Mt. Mineral Law Institute (2003). Mr. Weatherford is a member of the California Bar and holds a law degree from Yale University.

ALJ: Gary Weatherford appears highly qualified and should be a welcome addition to the case. A separate blog page will research the Water Education Foundation.
The question remains, "Why did it take so long to slowly make it's way to the public notice?". 120 days is neither open or timely notice.