James Hunter

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

CPUC nearing decision on SJWC WRAP Surcharge

The pending WRAP (Water Rate Assistance Program) has gone through a series of document exchanges and DRA representation, on behalf of the Ratepayers. We appear to be nearing an actual resolution.

We should be concerned regarding the integrity of the PG&E data be shared with SJWC and automatically enrolling participants in the SJWC WRAP program.

Further a recent report, Low-Income Rates for Water Utility Customers  (A Calculation of Full Participation 
And the Impact on the Remaining Customers) conclusions imply that over 21% of SJWC customers may qualify for participation in the WRAP program. That would be over 45,000 participants, double the current number of participants.

Page5 excerpted, complete document 

The amount of the actual surcharge has tentatively been agreed to by DRA. DRA researched and justified the surcharge amount, of $1.15.

The request by SJWC for annual automatic adjustments was not approved.

The audit and verification program will be improved, but only to a limited extent. Participation still can be obtained by qualifying for PGE's Care program.

All posted available documents, rulings, etc., regarding the WRAP Application 13-06-008 are available at the CPUC site URL below:
