James Hunter

Monday, September 7, 2015

SJWC Requested 22% Rate Increase 2016, 2017, 2018 GRC A1501002

The following is the list of some of the more visible contested Items, in SJWC Rate Increase Request (GRC A1501002) and their current status, as of 9/7/2015. The proposed rate increase is about 22% over the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. The overall increase seems excessive since inflation historically has been running very low, annually 3%, or less.

SJWC Requested Item
Blogger Comment
Contested as of 9/18/15
PG&E got an ERAM, guarantees revenue independent of sales. Over the past 25 years have PG&E customers benefited?
Contested as of 9/18/15
The proposed rate is 2,000 toilets a year, there are over 1 million toilets in SJWC system. Are you going to live long enough to get a free low flow toilet?
Staffing requests for 33 new staff positions
Contested as of 9/18/15
Since it appears that SJWC is delivering less water, has available man-hours(6 staff full-time) to use for NTP&S, do they really need 33 more staff people that we would pay for or would they be used for NTP&S?
Contested as of 9/18/15
Who should pay?You ( SJWC customers) or Shareholders? Shareholders set goals for their benefit, not SJWC customers.
Tentative Agreement
Relates to staffing request, above.
Other financial items have contingent agreements or are pending and contested
Pending  as of 9/18/2015
Pending resolution of contested Items
I also have a previous post to this blog discussing the items above in more detail.

Please send email,

make your opinion heard!

 If you are concerned about these issues, send email to CPUC at: District 5 United eForm eMail  Simply click on the "eForm eMail" and you will get a page to fill out the information and specify the reason for your opposition to the currently contested issues and continuing requests to de-couple their revenue from the requirement to do business efficiently and your concern about their lack of openness and transparency. 

Please consider pasting the following when you fill in the eForm:
"I OPPOSE SJWC paying management and officers bonuses with money included in our water rates, bonuses benefit shareholders, shareholders should pay the bonuses. I oppose a WRAM separating revenues from sales, I oppose using regulated staff for unregulated projects with insufficient controls, reporting and evaluation of the risk/reward for ratepayers. I oppose proposals by SJWC that discriminate against seniors or other classes of SJWC ratepayers. Reference San Jose Water Company (SJWC) GRC 1501002."
You can also send an email to express your opinion on who should pay the bonuses you or the shareholders:

CPUC Public Advisopublic.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov  Reference San Jose Water Company (SJWC) GRC 1501002.The Public Adviser will insure your email will be sent to all the appropriate CPUC staff members. 

Other people to drop an email (note) and express your opinion are:

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